Sunday, March 21, 2010

Going Green (a few days late)

Sorry for my quietness! I've been lazy this week. All the better since I forgot to give myself a shopping challenge. So I'll just share all the nifty green stuff I picked up Wednesday at Phoenix Rising and Cupcakes. Green is my favorite color so I splurged a little at their respective St. Patty's day sales!!

Green_006, originally uploaded by Andria Meredith.

Green_010, originally uploaded by Andria Meredith.

Green_019, originally uploaded by Andria Meredith.

Green_024, originally uploaded by Andria Meredith.
Dresses and coat: from Pheonix Rising, $L100 each (St. Patrick's Day only)
Lingerie: from Cupcakes, L$35 (St. Patrick's Day only
Shoes: Previous gift from Baby Monkey
Total: L$ 335
Remaining: L$907 (after the sundress in the last post)

I've noticed though... my wardrobe could use a bit more edge. It's mostly fairly safe, classy pieces (and an exorbitant amount of lingerie.) So for this week's challenge, I need to put together an outfit for going to a goth club!

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