Monday, February 22, 2010

A little piece of land

I have a bad tendency to rush into things. Maybe that's why my interest in things can seem pretty flighty. I've only been back in Second Life a week, but I've already been itching for a place of my own. I don't know why it's important to me, but

So I came back at the right time as the Lindens have just released their Linden Homes. I figured it would be enough for now so I signed up. Being a Washingtonian I immediately loved the Tahoe setting. The houses are cute little one-room builds with lots of big windows, which I also love. And best of all, I'm in the Larch sim, which any good Monty Python fan can appreciate.

I've noticed only a dozen day-sales going on in SL, The Fifty-Linden Fridays as the original and most known. Being a fan of <3Cupcakes though, I've been keeping up with their Monday sales as well, and picked up a lovely skybox from A.D.D. Andel. Now if I only had somewhere to put it! :)

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