Thursday, February 18, 2010

Where is everyone going???

I was going to write this yesterday but got distracted with the new Linden Homes.

I've been learning and re-learning a lot of things in Second Life since my return.

The first thing I've learned-- people move a lot!!

I went to do some shopping Tuesday and realized over half of my landmarks no longer lead to what they're supposed to, if they led to anything. So my shopping excursion turned into an LM-updating excursion as I went around trying to relocate my favorite stores.

I've gotta wonder what makes SL-ers so transient... although I can understand it too. There's a lot of good reasons to move up and out... needing more room, trouble with landowners and surrounding businesses... the list could go on and on, I'm sure.

And of course, some of them have just grown out of their britches. It's cool in a way to see those little shops I loved two years ago now have their own sims in some cases. I just wanna go pinch their cheeks and say "Awww, look how big you've gotten!" Yeah, I'm going to be a horrible aunt someday.

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